Optimizing web images is a process of delivering high-quality images in the right format, dimension, size, and resolution while keeping the smallest possible size.
When it comes to on-site optimization images play the vital role. Especially if images are the key element of your content strategy. According to the recent study that analysed over 1 million of Google search concluded that web pages with at least single image had better ranking & almost 94% more visitors compared to pages without any images or other multi-media content.
Image optimization becomes must when the core of your content strategy depends on the images. As per recent advancement, website builder like WordPress offers image optimizer that formats the images as per requirement that will help your site to expand to certain degrees.
Apart from SEO value of images on-site optimization, there are certainly other reasons why are vital to step over the stage of SEO. And optimization is the key. Let’s see various reason why you should optimize images for your website.
Image Optimization for Image Searches
When you precisely format images and title them with right phrases regarding your core content, the chances of your image to appear in google image search result increases. It won’t only increase the number of visitors to your site but also help you to build our brand. As per high-end developer and SEO experts, if you could not create original ‘easy to go viral’ content there would not be much to fruit. But one minute spent on image optimization can mindbogglingly increase your monthly traffic significantly.
Apart from that images back your content to make it perceivable and more interesting to grab an attention. In other words, images help a writer to explain the concept of content and vice versa helps users to understand the concept. For instance, consider ‘How to’ or DIY articles without images. It won’t make much sense without utilizing the images.
People like to share web pages with relevant images on social media compared to plain text content. According to a recent study, posts with images get 150% more retweets. But including images are not just enough, you have to optimize in order to make your site user-friendly.
For Website Site speed
Images and videos or generally multi-media content are larger files compared to that plain text content and required the greater amount of space and internet speed in order to load them on your computer or mobile in user interactive form without compromising its original UI. That’s where optimization comes into play. Image optimization can affect your website loading speed to the certain extent and make it load even faster compared to the website with raw images.
Moreover, if your users’ browsers are bogged down to with downloading large images in order to display them on screen it will take few seconds for them for the web page to be arranged. Optimization can save those users those several seconds and frustration of being waited.
Image optimization will also save you few gigabytes of space on your server added with increasing bandwidth and optimization for speed.
For SEO Purpose
As mentioned it before web page with optimized images get better ranking and probably increased the number of visitors precisely 94%. You can optimize images, videos and audios for SEO purpose by giving those right titles, caption, tag and alt texts. It won’t only rank your website higher but also make it load faster. Optimization normally scales down the image size by either compression or resizing them by giving them appropriate titles, tags and caption are in your hand. Though recent advancement in WordPress and certain services offers world class optimization and SEO plugins to make your website load faster and smoothly without any interruption.
Hence, image optimization is not just some element listed in your ‘to-do’ list while creating the website but it is something that you should prioritize and develop the content strategy by keeping the image optimization in mind. You will definitely see the prolific results after spending few minutes behind optimization.
Source: https://www.techwalls.com/
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